Interesting Facts About Chrysanthemums
Chrysanthemums are the plant of the fall season. At Riverside Greenhouses we are eagerly getting ready by planting over 100,000 plugs and root cuttings. We have over 6 acres of outdoor growing space for our mums, cabbage and kale. Riverside starts shipping mums in mid August in various size pots from 4.5″ to 12″.

Chrysanthemums Facts:
Chrysanthemum, sometimes called mums or chrysanths, are flowering plants of the genus Chrysanthemum in the family Asteraceae. Chrysanthemum flower is one of the most popular flower in the world, next only to Rose. The name “chrysanthemum” is derived from the Greek words chrysos (gold) and anthemon (flower). There are 40 wild species of chrysanthemum and thousands of varieties created via selective breeding.

Chrysanthemums Are Tropical Flowers:
They are native to Asia and northeastern Europe. The chrysanthemum was first cultivated in China as a flowering herb and is described in writings as early as the 15th Century B.C. Chrysanthemums are available in variety of shapes and sizes and the flowers differ between species. Stem can reach 5 to 15 centimeters (2 to 6 inches) in height. Flower can have 1 to 25 centimeters (0.4 to 10 inches) in diameter. Read More
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